Instructions to Authors Preparing Their Camera Ready Papers

All documents must be in ".doc" format (Word)
ICMCS-2017 Paper format .

  Abstract - These instructions provide basic guidelines to help possible contributors prepare their final camera-ready papers for submission to the International Conference on Microelectronics and Computer Science. The aim of the Conference will be to bring together scientists, engineers, manufacturers and users from all over the world in order to provide and exchange information on recent developments and future trends in: Micro-opto-electronics, Nano-science and Nanotechnology, Computer Science, Communication and Electronic Systems, New Technology for University Education. Abstracts (maximum 250 words) should be self-explanatory and summarize the essential qualities of the paper.
  Index Terms - five key words or phrases arranged alphabetically and separated by commas.

I.  Introduction

  Prospective authors are invited to submit papers that fit within the scope of the journal. Papers should be written in English and submitted in final camera-ready form. For more details, please visit the IEEE web page [1] and follow the instructions in TRANS-JOUR.DOC files.
II.  Paper and text format

  Margins: top 2.00 cm, bottom 2.00 cm, left and right 1.80 cm, gutter 0 cm. Orientation: portrait. Paper size: A4.

  Line spacing: single. Text organization: two columns. Column width: 8.3. Space between columns: 0.9 cm. Last page columns must be equal in length. Header and footer: different for odd and even pages.

  Author name, affiliation and complete address are to be placed underneath the title. In case of multiple authorship of a submitted paper, the affiliation and complete address of each author must be specified.

III.  Tables, Figures, Equations

  Illustrations and tables should be progressively numbered, following the order cited in the text; they may be organized in one or two columns. Tables must be accompanied by a caption placed at the top. Figures (abbreviated Fig.) must be accompanied by a caption placed underneath. References made to tables in text will not be abbreviated e.g. "in Table I, TN Roman means Times New Roman".

  Each formula should occupy one line. Consecutive numbers should be marked in brackets.


Item Font Size Style
Title of paper TNRoman 24 Norm
Authors' names TNRoman 11 Norm
Authors' address TNRoman 11 Italic
Abstract TNRoman 10 Bold
Title of sections TNRoman 10 Norm
Text, Formulae TNRoman 10 Norm
Algorithms Courier New 10 Norm
References TNRoman 10 Norm

References to cited sources should be incorporated within the text (e.g. [2]). Bibliographical references must be placed at the end of the paper and comply with the model below.
IV.  Conclusion

A conclusion section is not compulsory. Make sure that the whole text of your paper observes the textual arrangement on this page.
Appendix A

Appendices, if present, must be marked A, B, C, and placed before Acknowledgment.

  Place your acknowledgments before References. Do not mention the sponsors and/or financial support obtained in this section. These specifications are to be included in an unnumbered footnote on the first page of the paper.

[1]   IEEE Transactions LaTeX and Microsoft Word Style Files, Available:

[2]   J. U. Duncombe, "Infrared navigation Part I: An assessment of feasibility (Periodical style)," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. ED-11, pp. 3439, Jan. 1959.

[3]   D. Knuth, The Art of Programming. Addison-Wesley, 1973

[4]   IEEE Criteria for Class IE Electric Systems (Standards style), IEEE Standard 308, 1969.

